Monday, March 15, 2010

Short dress. Rovid ruha.

                                                                  Short dress.

In just a few weeks the weather will be warmer and we can start dressing a little lighter. On those beautiful spring afternoons when you go out for the evening it will be sunny and warm. By the time you are on your way back home, you will need a jacket. With or without the jacket it looks  modern but recalls a bit of the past with the bolero.This dress is perfect for both looks. The sides of the  skirt are a little shorter which  gives a little flirtiness  and interest to the whole look. The beautiful flower on the front is shows a little openness and sincerity.

                     Rovid ruha.        

Ez az idoszak amikor lehet kezdeni egy kicsit vekonyabban oltozni. Csak meg egy par het, es  keso delutan mikor keszulodsz  egy vacsorara, meg sut a nap,  meleg van. De mikor annak vege lesz, mar el fogod tudni viselni a kis kabatkat. Ez a ruha  nagyon csinos, modern, es megis felidezi a multat a kis boleroval. A  szoknya oldalai egy kicsit rovidebb, ettol pajkossa, erdekesse valik az egesz. Kis virag az elejen  aranyosan bajos oszinteseget ad neki.


Lisa said...

You know, one of my biggest fears is showing my arms, but I have promised myself that this year I will show them and learn to love them. This dress is a keeper :-) I love that it can be worn on a night out or you can put on the jacket for a more dress/business look. Very nice color choice :-)


Kathy said...

This is the dress,---- from work into the night. :)) This color looks good on everyone.Thank you.