Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Little blue dress. Kis kek ruha.


                                            Little blue dress.                        

Here is an other little blue dress. For some reason this year, dresses in are very  popular in every shade. From long to short, with sleeves or without, V-neck or round neck, backless. Every variation showed up in my little shop, with all different fabrics,  textures, chiffon, tulle, silks, cotton variation. This perfect little dress is like a signature look and relaxed elegance. Slip it on and be a little glamour girl.

                                               Kis kek ruha.

Itt egy masik kek ruha.  Ebben az evben a kek is nagyon divatos, minden arnyalaltaban. A hosszutol a rovidig, az ujjas, vagy ujjatlan, V nyak vagy kerek, hatnelkuli, minden variacioban felbukkant a kis uzletemben, tobb fele anyagbol  siffon, tull, selyem, pamut valtozatokban. Ez a helyes kis ruha  egy jellegzetesen elegans forma, es egy bajos  varazslatos kis not formal belolunk.

1 comment:

Lisa said...

This has a very 1950's 60's look to it and considering I love those styles, I am proud that they still peek out now and then :-)