Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Grand evening. Nagyestelyi.

Fantastic color and style, for that big evening what you are getting ready for the past month.

Fantasztikus szin es stilus arra a nagy estelyre amire keszulodsz mar legalabb egy honapja.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Silver. Ezust.

If you are invited for a wedding in spring time, this is a perfect dress for the occasion.

Ha meg vagy hiva egy tavaszi eskuvore, ez egy tokeletes megfelelo ruha lesz az alkalomra.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Printed. Mintas.

This dress is very versatile . Go to work, movie and a dinner, but it's suitable for a wonderful cocktail hours with delicious dinner after.

Ezt a ruhat sok helyre lehet hasznalni. Munkaba,  egy moziba, de egy szinvonalas koktelra es az azt koveto vacsorara, tokeletesen megfelel.

Sunday, March 25, 2012


The spring is here with its full strength. Look at this color, wonderful and soooo lively. :)) The little jacket, is for a cooler  evenings.

Itt a tavasz teljes erovel. Nezzetek ezt a szint milyen  gyonyoru. :)) A kis kabatka meg a huvosebb estekre.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Rose garden. Rozsa kert.

Simple dress, with a little twist at the waist. But the bottom of the skirt  brings the rose garden to view.:))

Egyszeru ruha, egy kis rakassal a derekan. De a szoknya alja bemutatja a rozsakertet. :))

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Stripes. Csikocskak.

Green, blue, white, yellow, outlined with black for a little magic.

Zold, kek, feher, sarga szinek kevereke, feketevel  elvarazsolva.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Gold. Arany.

Again an other cute dress for  the weekend party. If it gets a little chilly, add a big worm pashmina.

Egy masik kis kedves ruha a hetvegi partira. Ha egy kisse lehulne a levego vegyunk elo hozza egy nagy meleg salat.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Spring. Tavasz.

Spring is knocking by the door, and this little dress is  a great wear for any place with a big pashmina for a cooler nights.

Tavasz mar itt kopogtat az ajtokon, es ez a kis ruha kellemes viselet lehet minden alkalomra, egy nagy sallal a huvosebb esteken is.

Saturday, March 17, 2012


The modern zipper and the newer style, gives a very imaginative and sophisticated look to this dress.

A modern huzozar es az ujitott stilus ellenere is, kepzelet-eros es kifinomult ez a ruha.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Lace. Csipke.

Every girl look pretty in lace. Just fined the right style, and  the right occasion.

Minden lany csinos csipkebe oltozve. Csak talald meg a megfelelo stilust, es a megfelelo alkalmat hozza.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Because everyone loves the color blue, and the flowers are just extra.

Mert mindenki egyik kedvence a kek szin, es a viragok rajta csak egy kis extra.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Blue. Kek;

This dress is rushed completely through, and the little horse shoe on the front gives the interest!

Ez a ruha teljesen rakott  egeszen az aljaig, majd a kis patko az elejen vonja fel magara a figyelmet.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Home again! Ujra itthon!

I am showing you a 3 piece if outfit, for a special evening.. There are nice cut flowers from the garden on the jacket, on organza. The top is silk and the skirt also showcasing the flowers over the lining.

Mutatok nektek egy 3 reszes kosztumot, egy elegans estelyi viselethez. Kedves kis vagott viragok a kertbol, diszitik a bolerot, organzara varrva. A felso resze selyembol van, amig a szoknyan ujra megjelennek a viragok, a beles tetejen.