I had spend a lots of time with my Mom, and Grand kids. Also visited my newest friends,
Erika, and her daughter Alexandra,
Lidercke , Mici and her big brother Petesz
, Ildi, her little grand son Benedek.Everywhere I got something yummy for lunch and left with a full tummy. I had met
Delka at the aerport with her dougheter and husband. I was also planning to go and visit
Csipkerozsika, but unfortunately, she lives very far from my hometown, so we had just talked on the phone.
But I had visited the WAMP in Budapest, and also met a few people.
Ferc Jutka, Ponyi Zsuzsi, and
Vad Jutka. They had great stands, and wonderful selection of merchandise .
I will have pictures in the near future, and show everyone my beautiful presents.
Arrived home Sunday at midnight, but the next morning I already started to work with full speed. Here is the first thing I had worked on yesterday. The color and the fabric is just wonderful. The neckline and the softly falling pleats gives interest to the whole dress.

Rengeteg idot tudtam tolteni Edesanyammal, es az Unokaimmal! Ez mellett meg el is tudtam latogatni sok sok uj barathoz is. Tobbek kozott meglatogattam
Erikat es kis-nagy lanyat Alexandrat.
Lidercket, Mimit es batyust Peteszt,
Ildit , kis unokajat Benedeket. Mindenhol igazi finomsaggal vartak es teljesen teli pocival indultam vissza ..A repuloteren talalkoztam
Delkaval, kislanyaval es a ferjevel is. Tobbek kozott szerettem volna ellatogatni
Csipkerozsikahoz , de sajnos nagyon messzire lakunk egymastol, igy arra nem jutott idom ebben a ket hetben. Talan majd legkozelebb.
Voltam Budapesten a WAMP-on es ott szemlyesen is megismerkedhettem
Ferc Jutkaval,
Panyi Zsuzsival, es
Vad Jutkaval is. Sok erdekesseget es szepseget ajanlottak a vevoknek .
Nemsoka mutatok kepeket mindenkinek a sok sok szep dolgokrol, amiket otthon kaptam ajandekba!
Vasarnap ejfelkor erkeztem haza, de mar hetfon reggel teljes sebesseggel vagtam bele a munkaba. Ez a ruha itt az elso darabom amin dolgoztam tegnap. A szine es az anyaga csodalatos. A nyakkivagas es a lagyan omlo rakasok erdekesseget adnak az egesz ruhanak.